• playing for keeps    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 綠企鵝獵才顧問股份有限公司

      ...backgrounds and expertise of both high tech and non high tech industries. Keeping the commitment to seek talents, the ultimate goal for GPTL is not only to provide the most suitable candidates for clients, but also to facilitate the process of achieving or even surpassing the goals efficiently. We...

      電話:02-25580313    地址:台北市大同區長安西路53巷8號1F地圖
    2. 愛瑞科技股份有限公司

      ...OROLA with proprietary CPE solution for the SME solution - Largest Triple-Play CPE vendor to PCCW for NOW broadband TV - Join development partner of NTTBP for a powerful mobile internet solution We offer competitive compensation package and challenging career prospect to the right person. Pleas...

      電話:04-23278252    地址:台中市南屯區公益路二段51號15樓A2
    3. Play (唱片)

      電話:0287739138    地址:台北市台北市忠孝東路四段97號4樓之2
    4. 欣和育樂股份有限公司 (KEEP 棒壘球打擊場)

      KEEP 棒壘球打擊場KEEP 值得你KEEP的事物 對棒球員 堅持專注每一球 不到最後一個出局數 絕不鬆懈放棄 是KEEP對KEEP棒壘球打擊場 提供更優良的運動環境 讓更多人快樂打球 是我們的KEEP找到值得KEEP的事物 認真用力的KEEP下去 不論你...

      電話:03-5301966    地址:新竹市香山區中華路四段411巷3號
    5. 煦夏仿


      電話:02-27495495    地址:台北市信義區基隆路一段133-2號

    你可能感興趣的: playing for keeps   playing for change   進軍教育市場挑戰蘋果 google play for education正式上線   Kirsty Keep   keep going   keep accompany   keep company   keep company 意味   點紥髻 keep直   keep it real